I grew up in the country. Life was simple. Endless open spaces with new and interesting discoveries. My grandfather showed me that hard work, a commitment to your word, and close relationships with family, neighbors, and the community will bring endless joy in your life.
As I grew up, life became more complicated. It often pushes you to consider other avenues of joy and happiness. I like so many was lead to believe the typical suburban life in a development community would bring me a sense of fulfillment. A place I thought would reflect my core values. I quickly began to realize that there was so much missing. I yearned for the carefree days in the country.
My wife and I decided to move to the country to bring us closer to what really matters in life. A sense of purpose, community, and self reliance. We didn't know much about farming. We researched, observed, tried, and failed. We supported each other and made what worked better and disregarded what failed. We made relationships with neighbors, with farmers, and with members of the community.
This is what is important in life. Provide for your family. Share with your neighbor. Promote in your community.
We are guiding our children. We are nurturing our farm. We are strengthening community.
-Peter Aimee, Brayden, Layla, & Gavin Solberg